[wish-info] Newbie Question: Communication Problems talking to CM11A
Steve Seremeth
2004-07-23 13:39:15 UTC
Hello -

I'm hoping someone has in idea of where I'm going wrong. My setup:

* Fedora Core 2 (2.6.6-1.435.2.3custom) on a Biostar M'board w/ an ~
1ghz Athlon
* wish 2.0.6
* x10 kernel module compiled and installed without incident - modprobes fine
* CM11A (x10.com "ActiveHome") serial
* I've tried a couple different wall sockets and the CM11A w/ and w/out
the AAA batteries
* I've tried longer timeouts for cm11ad (also noticed it segfaults
depending on order of arguments, btw)

I am under the impression from the FAQ that unpatched kernels pre 2.6.7
are only a problem for USB devices (and thus I should be OK here)?

When I try to run cm11ad it bombs when trying to talk to the CM11A.
Debug info looks like this:

[***@server root]# /etc/init.d/x10 start
Starting X10 services: cm11ad, debug turned on
Argument 2: device
cm11ad, serial set to /dev/ttyS0
OK...let's start
cm11ad opening /dev/x10/.api for API
cm11ad starting
X10 message: src=0x4, hc=0x0, uc=0x0, cmd=0x2, f=0x0

And the respective info from messages:
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: X10 DEV module v2.0.0
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: $Id: dev.c,v 1.19 2004/07/05
03:13:13 whiles Exp $
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: X10 driver successfully loaded
Jul 23 09:15:00 server cm11ad[5141]: starting. api-device=/dev/x10/.api,
Jul 23 09:15:00 server cm11ad[5141]: Successfully opened X10 API device
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: starting transceiver (pthread_create)
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: Transmit thread starting
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: pthread_crate
completed...transceiver started
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: Unable to establish communications
with CM11A transceiver
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: got connect message
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: unable to start transmitter, exiting

Occasionally I see chatter from the CM11A, like if I unplug it from the
wall, then plug it in again it seems to make a time request:
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: pthread_crate
completed...transceiver started
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: xmit_init: received time request
from CM11A
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: xmit_init: Wrote ffffff9b 2b 1a 0b
ffffffcb 10 00
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: Unable to establish communications
with CM11A transceiver
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: got connect message
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: unable to start transmitter, exiting

Any ideas as to why I can't keep the connection open (causing the daemon
to go away)? Am I doing something wrong with the hardware? I don't
think so, but I'd be semi-thrilled if this was something obvious that I
was just overlooking.

Thanks in adavnce for any suggestions.


Scott Hiles
2004-07-23 14:52:33 UTC
The messages that you are getting indicate that it is not getting the
responses that the driver is expecting from the CM11A. There are multiple
versions of the PROM code for the CM11A so it is possible that yours isn't
responding the way that I exptected it to respond. Here is what should

* If you have no batteries in it, the memory will be flushed in the CM11A
and when you plug it in it will go into a state where it requires that the
computer tell it the correct time before it will do any communications. The
x10 driver (cm11ad) handles this by sending it the computer's time if it
gets the time request. All transactions proceed as normal. (Note, I don't
bother with batteries in my CM11A because I don't use the timer functions of

* If you have batteries in it and you plug it in, it sends a poll request
which the driver should respond to.

Try this...kill cm11ad. Take out the batteries from your CM11A. Unplug it,
let it sit for about 5 minutes, then plug it back in. Leave the batteries
out of it. Connect it to your serial port and run:

cm11ad -debug -device /dev/ttySX

Set ttySX to your tty device (presumably ttyS0). When it starts up, you
should see that it requests the time and that the driver responds. If that
sequence doesn't happen, then communications with the CM11a is failing. If
it fails to start, then try booting into Windows and see if the software
that came with it can talk to it. If it can, try to get the version number
of your CM11A and send it to me. I will see if there are any differences in
version number for what you have with what I have tested with.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Seremeth" <***@seremeth.com>
To: <wish-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: [wish-info] Newbie Question: Communication Problems talking to
Post by Steve Seremeth
Hello -
* Fedora Core 2 (2.6.6-1.435.2.3custom) on a Biostar M'board w/ an ~
1ghz Athlon
* wish 2.0.6
* x10 kernel module compiled and installed without incident - modprobes fine
* CM11A (x10.com "ActiveHome") serial
* I've tried a couple different wall sockets and the CM11A w/ and w/out
the AAA batteries
* I've tried longer timeouts for cm11ad (also noticed it segfaults
depending on order of arguments, btw)
I am under the impression from the FAQ that unpatched kernels pre 2.6.7
are only a problem for USB devices (and thus I should be OK here)?
When I try to run cm11ad it bombs when trying to talk to the CM11A.
Starting X10 services: cm11ad, debug turned on
Argument 2: device
cm11ad, serial set to /dev/ttyS0
OK...let's start
cm11ad opening /dev/x10/.api for API
cm11ad starting
X10 message: src=0x4, hc=0x0, uc=0x0, cmd=0x2, f=0x0
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: X10 DEV module v2.0.0
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: $Id: dev.c,v 1.19 2004/07/05
03:13:13 whiles Exp $
Jul 23 09:15:00 server kernel: x10: X10 driver successfully loaded
Jul 23 09:15:00 server cm11ad[5141]: starting. api-device=/dev/x10/.api,
Jul 23 09:15:00 server cm11ad[5141]: Successfully opened X10 API device
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: starting transceiver (pthread_create)
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: Transmit thread starting
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: pthread_crate
completed...transceiver started
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: Unable to establish communications
with CM11A transceiver
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: got connect message
Jul 23 09:15:01 server cm11ad[5142]: unable to start transmitter, exiting
Occasionally I see chatter from the CM11A, like if I unplug it from the
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: pthread_crate
completed...transceiver started
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: xmit_init: received time request
from CM11A
Jul 22 22:26:43 server cm11ad[4188]: xmit_init: Wrote ffffff9b 2b 1a 0b
ffffffcb 10 00
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: Unable to establish communications
with CM11A transceiver
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: got connect message
Jul 22 22:27:04 server cm11ad[4188]: unable to start transmitter, exiting
Any ideas as to why I can't keep the connection open (causing the daemon
to go away)? Am I doing something wrong with the hardware? I don't
think so, but I'd be semi-thrilled if this was something obvious that I
was just overlooking.
Thanks in adavnce for any suggestions.
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