[wish-info] Slow wish - debian
Sergio Ramos Suárez
2004-03-08 12:40:28 UTC
I am using wish modules to access my x10 devices, but my problem is that
it is slowly compared with xtend-heyu software. I am using Debian. What
can I do to obtain better perfonmances? Thanks.
Sergio Ramos Suárez
2004-03-09 09:24:46 UTC
I use version 1.6.
I will try the 2 version.
What version of the wish project are you suing? Versions 1.6 had arbitrary
delays in them to compensate for problems I ran into with the CM11a. Version
2 of the drivers overcomes this problem and are much faster.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 7:40 AM
Subject: [wish-info] Slow wish - debian
Post by Sergio Ramos Suárez
I am using wish modules to access my x10 devices, but my problem is that
it is slowly compared with xtend-heyu software. I am using Debian. What
can I do to obtain better perfonmances? Thanks.
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Sergio Ramos Suárez
Desarrollos tecnológicos e-pyme - http://www.e-pyme.com
Edificio Central del Parque Científico y Tecnológico
Campus Universitario de Tafira S/N
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