[wish-info] Unidev still an active driver
Lance Julander
2005-08-16 22:42:48 UTC

Is the Unidev driver still part of this package?


I read the documentation for it on the website, but after downloading
the package and untarring everything, I noticed the the Unidev docs
seemed to be missing. I proceeded with the installation process anyway
(following the website instructions) and then noticed that I couldn't do
a "make unidev" because:

make: *** No rule to make target `unidev'.

Has this part of the project been abandoned, or have I taken a misstep
along the way?

BTW, if the Unidev driver is still part of the project, will it work
with kernel 2.6.x?


Scott Hiles
2005-08-17 00:40:32 UTC
The unidev portion of the driver ended when the drivers went to the 2.x
version. I never ported unidev to the new drivers as there was no demand
for it.

It isn't a difficult port but I just haven't had time to work on it.

-----Original Message-----
Lance Julander
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: [wish-info] Unidev still an active driver
Is the Unidev driver still part of this package?
I read the documentation for it on the website, but after
downloading the package and untarring everything, I noticed
the the Unidev docs seemed to be missing. I proceeded with
the installation process anyway (following the website
instructions) and then noticed that I couldn't do a "make
make: *** No rule to make target `unidev'.
Has this part of the project been abandoned, or have I taken
a misstep along the way?
BTW, if the Unidev driver is still part of the project, will
it work with kernel 2.6.x?
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David Dee
2005-09-21 19:21:59 UTC
Anyone know anything about Smarthome's INSTEON Powerlinc Controller?
Anyone tried it with WISH yet to get an idea how compatible it may be ??

