2003-02-19 15:36:11 UTC
The Java client is now completed and runs as either a standalone application
or as a WEB client. While the applet is pretty simple, it is almost a
mirror image of the Synapse software from SmartHome. After I learn a bit
more about Java I intend to build something more like the ActiveHome
In the mean time, this gives you full remote control of the X10 powerline in
a very simplistic way and a good example of how to write your own Java
or as a WEB client. While the applet is pretty simple, it is almost a
mirror image of the Synapse software from SmartHome. After I learn a bit
more about Java I intend to build something more like the ActiveHome
In the mean time, this gives you full remote control of the X10 powerline in
a very simplistic way and a good example of how to write your own Java