[wish-info] Install on Mandrake - Kernel
Chris Hovanic
2003-10-22 21:28:21 UTC
New to the list but did not see anything in the archive about Mandrake.

I am also all self taught with linux so I am not 100% on where everything is. I mainly run linux for a web server and game server.

The installation instructions refer to the kernel source tree and a valid .config file.
Where might the kernel source tree be?
It said Red Hat installs the config in /boot/ There is nothing in Mandrakes /boot/
It also says to copy the file to the kernel source top level directory... Where is that?

In /usr/src/ ther is no linux/ directory just a RPM directory.

What are my options? I guess I could back up my webserver and install Red Hat.

Thanks in advance for any help/ideas!

Chris Hovnaic
-- Project WiSH noob --


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Scott Hiles
2003-10-23 01:12:14 UTC

(Note, if anyone else on the list has used Mandrake, pipe up here...)

I haven't used Mandrake myself but I got a couple of bug reports on the
Mandrake kernel which exposed a problem in the USB code. They got it
working so you should be able to get it going without installing RedHat.

The kernel source tree will be in /usr/src/linux-<version>. If you don't
have that directory or anything like it, you likely do not have the kernel
source installed. Regarding the /boot directory, I have no idea as to where
mandrake keeps the kernel. You can look in your Lilo or Grub configuration
to see the location. Lilo is typically configured in /etc/lilo.conf. Grub
is typically configured in /etc/grub.conf.

If I am correct that you don't have the kernel sources, you need to download
the kernel source tree for your system. It isn't difficult, but if you have
never compiled a kernel you will need to do some reading to get this going.
After you get the kernel source installed and compiled such that you can
successfully boot off of your new kernel, you can start building the
drivers. The easiest way to build the drivers is to create a symbolic link
from /usr/src/linux to your installed kernel source where you compiled the
kernel. Go to the source directory for the x10 drivers and build the
drivers with "make". Run "make installall" to put them in your
"/usr/local/lib/modules..." area and you should be ready to go.

I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it will be an entertaining and
educational experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: wish-info-***@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:wish-info-***@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Chris Hovanic
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 5:28 PM
To: wish-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [wish-info] Install on Mandrake - Kernel

New to the list but did not see anything in the archive about Mandrake.

I am also all self taught with linux so I am not 100% on where everything
is. I mainly run linux for a web server and game server.

The installation instructions refer to the kernel source tree and a valid
.config file.
Where might the kernel source tree be?
It said Red Hat installs the config in /boot/ There is nothing in
Mandrakes /boot/
It also says to copy the file to the kernel source top level directory...
Where is that?

In /usr/src/ ther is no linux/ directory just a RPM directory.

What are my options? I guess I could back up my webserver and install Red

Thanks in advance for any help/ideas!

Chris Hovnaic
-- Project WiSH noob --



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