[wish-info] patch?
2004-04-21 03:51:51 UTC
Hi, yea i'm a newbie. So i want to patch my kernel.
It is 2.6.1-1.65 kernel, Fedora. I found the patch in
the in the kernel patch folder, but i dont know how to
run it. I read the man page for patch and it said

patch orignialfile patchfile

If someone could help I would appreciate it. Sorry i
know its a dumb question.


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Scott Hiles
2004-04-22 02:31:55 UTC
I haven't found anyone that could get the current alpha version of the code
to work on a Fedora system. My development environment is a RedHat 9 system
with a 2.6.1 (and above) kernel.

You only have to patch your kernel if you want to use the USB version of the
PowerLinc. If you are using a CM11A or a PowerLinc Serial, you can compile
the drivers and try to used them.

I haven't been able to spend the time figuring out what is unique about a
Fedora system just yet. After May 24 I will have more time to spend trying
to get the 2.0 drivers to work more reliably.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:52 PM
Subject: [wish-info] patch?
Hi, yea i'm a newbie. So i want to patch my kernel.
It is 2.6.1-1.65 kernel, Fedora. I found the patch in
the in the kernel patch folder, but i dont know how to
run it. I read the man page for patch and it said
patch orignialfile patchfile
If someone could help I would appreciate it. Sorry i
know its a dumb question.
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