[wish-info] Wish-2.0.6 released
Scott Hiles
2004-07-05 03:28:09 UTC
Version 2.0.6 is a bug patch on the current alpha releases. The following
bugs were found and fixed:

Bug: x10watch segment faults under 2.6 due to tighter constraints on data
sizes which caught a bug in buffer sizing. Fixed.

Bug: dev.c was not properly updating the status for devices as they changed
which caused x10watch to break.

Enhancement: Changed from using clone() to pthread_create() in main.c.
Previously clone() would just kill the parent and child without any
notification or error status for debugging. pthread_create() is much more
stable and works consistently across a wider array of computers so far.

Workaround: If kernel 2.6 is installed and /usr/src/linux is changed from a
2.4 kernel to a 2.6 kernel, /usr/src/linux/include/linux/hiddev.h will
generate an error for missing symbols. plusb_xcvr.c has a workaround to
allow the system to be properly set with /usr/src/linux pointing to

This version is out on sourceforge right now.

