[wish-info] For Gentoo users: ebuild available
Ed Santiago
2006-12-07 17:12:44 UTC
Gentoo users will be happy to know that there's an ebuild
available for wish-2.1.5 :


For those who have done overlays, you know what to do.

For those who--like me--hadn't yet done one, here's how.
Do these commands as a user, not as root:

$ mkdir -p /usr/portage/local/FIXME/sys-power/wish/files

(replacing FIXME with some identifier, e.g. your login name)
(you might need to add yourself to group 'portage')

$ cd !$
(download files/unset_arch-make.patch, x10.plusbd, updated_makedev.sh.patch)
$ cd ..
(download the .ebuild file)
$ ebuild wish-2.1.5.ebuild digest

This will fetch the tarball (to get its md5sum) and create
the necessary Manifest and digest files.

Then, as root, add this to /etc/make.conf :

PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/portage/local/FIXME" <<-- again, replace FIXME

...and you're ready to emerge wish.

Thanks to Josh Sled for creating and maintaining the ebuild.
Josh says he tried to announce it on this list, but wasn't
able to due to mailserver problems. I'm announcing it
for him, with my recommendation and thanks.

Ed Santiago Toolsmith ***@edsantiago.com