[wish-info] Wish and the CM17a again
Michael Kent
2004-05-01 02:14:02 UTC
OK, 1.6.9 supports the CM17a, 2.0.1 does not.
Would it be possible to put an explicit statement to
that effect on the web page? Are there any problems
or limitations I should know about regarding 1.6.9,
which I will be running on a 2.4.22 kernel?

Thanks for the quick reply.
Scott Hiles
2004-05-01 14:25:33 UTC
I can do one better. Version 2.0 has been withdrawn.

-----Original Message-----
Michael Kent
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 10:14 PM
Subject: [wish-info] Wish and the CM17a again
OK, 1.6.9 supports the CM17a, 2.0.1 does not.
Would it be possible to put an explicit statement to
that effect on the web page? Are there any problems
or limitations I should know about regarding 1.6.9,
which I will be running on a 2.4.22 kernel?
Thanks for the quick reply.
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